Charlemagne Goodwriter bio photo

Charlemagne Goodwriter

Your tour guide through a wasteland of largely useless and satirical guides. Guides, coincidentally, that I wrote.



Hey everybody, long time no see/write/whatever. You know what I mean. To everybody whose taken a risk on buying one of these guides, I thank you. I didn’t know what kind of sales to expect and I’ve been pleasantly surprised. My day job has had me stuck out in the middle of nowhere with no home internet to speak of (I did have a capped cellular line I could tether to occasionally). Now I’m back to civilization and taking stock. There were some issues with this web page, which I am sorting out presently. First I have to get some things running, then I’ll add all the marketplace links to the posts.

For those of you who enjoy peeking behind the curtain, I just installed node.js and am installing grunt so that I can tweak the theme slightly. The theme I’m using, Minimal Mistakes, is gorgeous and I don’t want to do anything to it but change the background color slightly so it stands out a bit from all the other Jekyll blogs using it. Of course, using a custom header helps a bit too.

I have some other posts almost ready to go, about the planning and writing of the guides I’ve already published. Then I’ll start working on getting the next batch of guides online.

Thanks again to everyone who’s jumped on board, by all means drop me a line and let me know what you think.


EDIT: Testing to see if edits cause posts to pop back up in my RSS reader, this edit was made on 5/31/14.